licensing process for TCAM professionals, which involves two essential steps:
Dataflow verification & The Exam.

Required Document list
- Passport copy
- +2 certificate
- Degree / Diploma certificate
- Valid registration
- Mark list or Transcript
- Experience certificate
- mobile no & mail id
- Passport size photo
- good standing certificate from the council (Some authorities not required good standing)
- Basic life support certificate
Step 1: open MOHAP website with UAEpass link
- Sign up MOHAP website with UAE PASS login id eithe rmail, emirates id number or phone umber.
- Select evalaution section enter all details , uplaod all documents
- Make application payment of 503 AED for TCAM practitioners and 303 AED for TCAM technician.
Step 2: Dataflow Procedure:
- You will get data flow payment link in your mail. MOH officials will analyze your documents and based on that they will provide the data flow payment. How much amount it comes , that same amount you have to pay. Approximately 1000-1300 aed depends on documents.
- No need to complete the verification report to get exam option. Soonyou make data flow payemnt with in few days you will get option for exam booking

Step 3: Written exam booking for practitioners.
- You will get exam approval link in yoru mail.
- In MOHAP site we haev to select teh suitable date for written exam.
- Exam centres will be governemnt hospitals under MOH with different emirates .
- For practitioners , written exam 100 questions will be there. Paper and pencil exam. In that some tiems 75 MCQ each carries 1 mark , soem times 80 MCQ each carries 1 mark. Ramining 4 or 5 questions , you will get picture , you have to identify disease condition and make a description on that disease . Each question contains 5 mark.
- The questions are not from your speciality, normally asking allopathic questions. General practitioner allopathic content.
- Dont worry Nursingmanthra is having study amterials for this written exam which makes you pass.
- After that small viva some times, related to your speciality, not always.
Step 4: Obtaining moh Evaluation letter
- After successfully passing the exam , you will get evaluation letter automatically generated in site and will send to your mail. If your data flow report is negative or unable to verify and already report generated , then you will not get evaluation letter.
- After downloading the evaluation letter , you can search for job
- Make sure you are downloding your data flwo verifictaion report also , which is very important , have to keep for life time .
- This evaluation letter and data flwo report you can transfer to dha and doh , and you will get license without exam in these authorities.
Step 5: Activating MOH License:
- Once you get an employer , then employer will activate yoru moh private electronic license under their facility name .
- This license every year has to renew , usually doen by facility.
- During that time, you must provide cme hours classes certificates to renew the license.For CME class details you can contact nursingmanthra.
I hope this blog will be useful to you. If you need to do this process by us or need study materials , you can contact nursing manthra whatsapp number. +971502515717.
Licensing application for different authorities related videos :
Dubai Health Authority (DHA) :
Ministry of Health UAE :
DOH /HAAD Abudhabi:
Qatar QCHP:
Saudi Mumaris:
If you need any assistance for your licensing application process, we are ready to assist you .Please contact Nursingmanthra Whatsapp, .
Thank you nursingmanthra team for helping me to get license as homeopathy practitioner in UAE. Your service was awesome. Thank you all