licensing process for Lab Technicians, which involves two essential steps:
Dataflow verification & The Exam.

Required Document list
- Passport copy
- +2 certificate
- Degree / Diploma certificate
- Paramedical council valid registration
- Mark list or Transcript
- latest 2 year Experience certificate
- mobile no & mail id
- Passport size photo
- good standing certificate from the council (Some authorities not required good standing)
Step 1: Dataflow Procedure:

- Sign up on the Data flow website and fill your personal information
- Complete the dataflow registration and attach a signed Letter of Authorization (LOA).
- Undergo dataflow verification for your education certificate, license, and experience. The dataflow fee is approximately 1000 TO 1200 AED, with an additional 310 AED for any extra documents.
- Make the payment using a credit card. The dataflow process usually takes 35 to 40 days.
- Inform your employer that you have submitted your documents for verification, so they can be prepared for any inquiries from the authorities.
- Always use genuine documents to avoid negative dataflow reports.
- In UAE authorities, fresh graduates can apply for licensing without experience. It should not be 2 year gap after your final examination date. Other authorities like SCFHS, OMSB, Kuwait MOH, NHRA bahrin ,QCHP qatar ,It is advisable to have a minimum of 2 years of experience after graduation.
- Monitor your emails for dataflow alerts, as additional documents or employer contact numbers may be requested.
- Once you receive the dataflow report, check if it is linked with your account to proceed to the next step.
- For DHA, Qatar Prometric, Oman Pearson VUE, and NHRA Bahrain Prometric exams, you can take the exams without completing the Dataflow process. You have the option to attend the exam before initiating the Dataflow process if you prefer.
- However, for MOH UAE, Saudi Prometric, and DOH Abu Dhabi exams, you need to obtain approval before you can write the exam. Once you receive exam eligibility, you can proceed to book the exams.
- To schedule the exam, select your preferred location and check for available exam dates.
- Complete the payment of the exam fee and ensure you either print or save your exam confirmation details. Always keep an eye on your email leading up to the examination date. In some cases, if there are technical issues at the exam center, they might postpone the exam and notify you via email.
- It’s crucial that the name you use in the exam application matches your passport details precisely. This is to prevent any issues during the exam. The exam fee typically amounts to around 240 USD for DHA, and fees may vary across different authorities.
- On the day of the exam, attend the scheduled session. Your results will be accessible within 3 days. You are granted a total of 3 attempts to pass the exam. If you do not succeed, you will need to rebook the exam and submit the fee once again.
Step 3: Application submission to authorities:
- After successfully passing the CBT exam and obtaining a positive Dataflow report, you should proceed to apply for an eligibility letter. Upload the necessary documents and make a payment of 220 AED in DHA. With this eligibility letter, you’ll be able to search for a job, and once you secure employment, your employer will activate the DHA license under their facility. The validity of the eligibility letter is one year, and it can be renewed when necessary.
- In MOH UAE, upon passing the exam, you will receive an automatic link to obtain an evaluation letter. Complete the payment to receive the evaluation letter. This letter will enable you to search for a job, and once you find employment, your employer will activate the MOH license under their facility. This license needs to be renewed annually through the facility. The MOH evaluation letter is valid for five years.
- For QCHP Qatar, NHRA Bahrain, and OMAN OMSB, you should submit an application with the assistance of your employer, accompanied by an offer letter from the employer. The license can be activated once all necessary documents are submitted.
- In DOH Abu Dhabi and Saudi Mumaris, it’s essential to secure employment after passing the exam. Obtain a nomination letter or job offer letter from your employer. You or your facility can then pay the license fee to activate the license.
- Regarding Kuwait MOH, there is a written exam that you must take at the MOH examination center in Kuwait. Once you pass the exam, your employer can assist in activating the license.
Licensing application for different authorities related videos :
Dubai Health Authority (DHA) :
Ministry of Health UAE :
DOH /HAAD Abudhabi:
Qatar QCHP:
Saudi Mumaris:
If you need any assistance for your licensing application process, we are ready to assist you .Please contact Nursingmanthra Whatsapp, .
I want some details about DHA licence for lab technician..i have 1years experience in nepal ..can you assist me about this ?
sure dear
kindly contact us through nrusingmanthra whatsappnumber