How to apply for nursing licensure for British Columbia(Canada) as an IEN:
British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM):
Step 1-Apply to NCAS:
-Start on
-The nursing community assessment service(NCAS) will confirm your identity and evaluate :
* English language proficiency
*Educational credentials
*Nursing skills and knowledge through a competency assessment(If required)
NCAS website:
-I am seeking a License in british columbia
Step-2-Apply to BCCNM:
-Create a BCCNM account
-Apply for practising registration as an IEN
After BCCNM reviews your application,
1. Employers:
-You will need to ask your current /previous employers to fill out a form to confirm:
*Your position
*Area of practice
*Hours worked
*The date you were employed with the organization
BCCNM registration services will tell you which employement verification ha sto be done.
2. Regulatroy Bodies:
-You need to do verifictaion for nursing licenses and eucation (college) verifications in all places have been registered as a nurse
-Your good standing certificate
BCCNM registration services will send you the form to be completed by the regulator .
They will also accept the standard form/certificate used by the regulator
You can work toward completing the requirements for the NCAS adn BCCNM application at teh same time
Financial support for
Step 3-Final requirements:
After recieving all docuemnts for BCCNM application
NCAS sends BCCNM -NCAS applicant package
-All applicants are required to successfully complete regulatroy exam(NCLEX), the need or other requirements such as additional education or course work will be bnased on your individual circumstances
Step 4-Provisional registration and NCLEX /Rex-PN:
-complete additional education requirement if advised
-Send confirmation of your course completion directly from the school to [email protected]
-You will be eligible for provisional registration and will be given instructions on how to register for the relevant registration exam: the REx-PN(LPNs) or NCLEX_RN(RN)
-If choos eto hold provisional regsitration , BCCNM will send you another email instruction regarding payment through BCCNM account
-Onc epayment is success, your name will be there in online directory
Step 5- Get your icense:
–After nclex exam and other requirements BCCNM will grant you practising regsitration.If you held provisional registration , your registration will be automatically updated in online directory

Inspire Global Assessments (formerly NCAS) application—No cost
Credential assessment—–$120-$650——Eligible for reimbursement through IEN Bursary Program
English language proficiency (if needed)—– $300-$395—–Eligible for reimbursement through IEN Bursary Program
NCAS Competency assessment—–No cost for applicants enrolled in the IEN Bursary Program Or $3000
BCCNM registration application——-No cost
Transitional education (if needed)—- Variable—Eligible for reimbursement through IEN Bursary Program
Registration exam —-REx-PN (LPN exam): $350+GST NCLEX (RN exam): $360+GST
BCCNM practising registration——–$600.24
Professional liability protection——-$119.69 or $92.40
Funding and other support available for internationally educated nurses
The Government of B.C. has funding and other supports available to help you become a nurse in British Columbia, including:
- Financial support through bursaries
- One-on-one support to help understand and complete the steps to become registered as a nurse in British Columbia.
If you have any further queries you can email to: [email protected]
If you need any assistance for application process, kindly contact us through Nursing manthra WhatsApp Number +971502515717
How do i ascertain that really the third parties have send the verification forms.
Can i email BCCNM to ask
Kindly contact us through WhatsApp number +971502515717
yes, you can email
I am writing to kindly request the verification of my nursing documents submitted to your council. These documents were issued from the United Kingdom as part of my process to get registered as a Registered Nurse (RN) in uk.
Full Name: Hum kumari phagami thapa
Date of Birth: 20/10/1998
Nepal Nursing Council Registration Number: 58867
Document Reference: 0000000003508110
I would be grateful if you could confirm receipt and provide the verification at your earliest convenience. This is a crucial step in my registration process with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), and your prompt assistance will be highly appreciated.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your time and support.
Warm regards,
Hum kumari phagami thapa
Khunga-7, baglung