Registered Nurse Application process for British Columbia(BCCNM)-Canada as an IEN(Internationally Educated Nurses):

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How to apply for nursing licensure for British Columbia(Canada) as an IEN:

British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM):


Step 1-Apply to NCAS:

-Start on

-The nursing community assessment service(NCAS) will confirm your identity and evaluate :

* English language proficiency

*Educational credentials

*Nursing skills and knowledge  through a competency assessment(If required)

NCAS website:

-I am seeking a License in british columbia

Step-2-Apply to BCCNM:

-Create a BCCNM account

-Apply for practising registration as an IEN

After BCCNM reviews your application,

1. Employers:

-You will need to ask your current /previous employers to fill out a form to confirm:

*Your position

*Area of practice

*Hours worked

*The date you were employed with the organization

BCCNM registration services will tell you which employement verification ha sto be done.

2. Regulatroy Bodies:

-You need to do verifictaion for nursing licenses and eucation (college) verifications in all places have been registered as a nurse

-Your good standing certificate

BCCNM registration services will send you the form to be completed by the regulator .

They will also accept the standard form/certificate used by the regulator

You can work toward completing the requirements for the NCAS adn BCCNM application at teh same time

Financial support for

Step 3-Final requirements:

After recieving all docuemnts for BCCNM application

NCAS sends BCCNM -NCAS applicant package

-All applicants are required to successfully complete regulatroy exam(NCLEX), the need or other requirements such as additional education or course work will be bnased on your individual circumstances

Step 4-Provisional registration and NCLEX /Rex-PN:

-complete additional education requirement if advised

-Send confirmation of your course completion directly from the school to [email protected]

-You will be eligible for provisional registration and will be given instructions on how to register for the relevant registration exam: the REx-PN(LPNs) or NCLEX_RN(RN)

-If choos eto hold provisional regsitration , BCCNM will send you another email instruction regarding payment through  BCCNM account

-Onc epayment is success, your name will be there in online directory

Step 5- Get your icense:

–After nclex exam and other requirements BCCNM will grant you practising regsitration.If you held provisional registration , your registration will be automatically updated in online directory


Inspire Global Assessments (formerly NCAS) application—No cost

Credential assessment—–$120-$650——Eligible for reimbursement through IEN Bursary Program

English language proficiency (if needed)—– $300-$395—–Eligible for reimbursement through IEN Bursary Program

NCAS Competency assessment—–No cost for applicants enrolled in the IEN Bursary Program   Or    $3000

BCCNM registration application——-No cost

Transitional education (if needed)—- Variable—Eligible for reimbursement through IEN  Bursary Program

Registration exam —-REx-PN (LPN exam): $350+GST          NCLEX ​(RN exam): $360+GST

BCCNM practising registration——–$600.24

Professional liability protection——-$119.69 or $92.40

Funding and other support available for internationally educated nurses

The Government of B.C. has funding and other supports available to help you become a nurse in British Columbia, including:

If you have any further queries you can email to: ​​[email protected]​​

If you need any assistance for application process, kindly contact us through Nursing manthra WhatsApp Number +971502515717

Illinois Registered Nurse (RN) -continuing education-mandatory course:
Registered physiotherapist application process for Canada for Internationally Educated Applicants:

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