Nursing and Midwifery Council Ghana: NMC Ghana:
Address of teh council:
License Renewal Process:
*A PIN or AIN once issued, expires in twelve (12) calendar months. Any Nurse Assistant, Nurse or Midwife whose PIN or AIN expires is required to apply through the Council’s Regional Offices.
The PIN or AIN will be renewed upon submission of the following prescribed requirements:
-The applicant must have accumulated the required Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points -Two (2) Current Passport Pictures in Prescribed Uniform over a Red background for Nurse Assistants (Auxiliaries) and Two (2) Current Passport-size Pictures in Prescribed Uniform over a White background for Nurse.
-The required minimum CPD points for PIN/AIN renewal are as follows
-Nurse Assistants: Ten (10) Point
-Staff Nurses/Staff Midwives up to Fifteen (15) Points
Nursing / Midwifery Officers
-Senior Nursing/Midwifery Officer/ Twenty (20) Points
Health Tutor/Assistant Lecturers and above
Relevance of PIN or AIN:
The PIN confirms ones professional status,
No employer will employ any Nurse Assistant, Nurse or Midwife without a PIN or AIN,
It could be used for employment in the private sector even while on retirement.
It is an offence to practice as a Nurse Assistant, Nurse or Midwife without a valid PIN or AIN. This attracts a penalty and or imprisonment as enshrined under Section 73 (d) of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act, 2013 (Act 857).
Registration certificate model :
Foreign verifictaion/Good standing Certificate Application:
After making payment for foreign veriifctauion or good standing , you ahev to submit attached payemnt reciept and otehr docuemnts to teh nursing council
From nursing council they will send directly the verification form and good standing to teh concerned authority.
Payment Reciept model: