DOH/HAAD Oral Exam Assessment Process:

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If your profession approved for oral exam, these are the guidelines you have to follow for the exam.

After approval for oral exam , you have to wait to schedule the exam. Once you schedule you will get mail notifictaion with exam instructions.

-Oral assessment will be conducted via Microsoft Teams software.

-You are required to access r exam using PC/Laptop ONLY. Mobile phonesuse is prohibited.
-You have to download Microsoft Teams application on your PC. Your computer /laptop must have good audio and video connection to avoid any interruption during exam.
-You will receive Microsoft teams link invite from Exam Section to your mail with the exam date/start time.
-You must accept the sent invite and note the confirmed date on the calendar
-On the exam date, you are required to join the exam at the exact time allocated for him/her by clicking on the link sent via the invite.
-You can join as a guest without registration to the application by clicking on ‘Join on web instead’.
-Delays in joining the exam at the exact time is not acceptable and can lead to disqualifying the examination.
-The exam is recorded and proctored by DOH-Exam representative.
Prior to the exam induction:
DOH – Exam representative will request you to verify your identity using the Passport or a photo ID, that has the name and photo on the same side, and the DOH application number. The name must match the full name on DOH system application.
Your Examiners will introduce themselves.
Examiners to start the oral exam session.
Test environment rules:

The candidate must ensure to take the exam with a computer that has a microphone and camera access that must stay ON until the exam session ends.
The lighting in the room must be bright enough to be considered ‘daylight’ quality. Overhead lighting is preferred. If overhead lighting is not available, the source of light must not be behind you.
You must sit at a clean desk or table.
The desk or walls around you must not have any writing.
The room must be as quiet as possible. Sounds such as music or television are not permitted.
The following items must not be on your desk or used during your proctored exam, unless posted rules for the exam specifically permit these materials:
Candidate’s conduct during the assessment:

The candidate may not receive assistance from the invigilator/proctor, or anyone else, during the exam. The candidate may not ask questions of the invigilator/proctor except in cases where there are technical issues.
You must present in a formal dress code.
You must not use headphones, ear buds, or any other type of listening equipment.
You must not communicate with any other person by any means during the exam.
You must not use a phone or any other electronic devices for any reason.
You must not leave the room during the exam for any reason.
Exam invigilation:

DOH-Exam representative is responsible for overseeing the enrolled member’s conduct during the exam.
DOH-Exam representative will ensure the candidate follows all Exam Guidelines noted herein and here.
DOH-Exam representative will be invigilating/proctoring the full exam session.
Your exam will be invalidated if Exam Section representative is not present for the exam.

Exam session time:

The oral assessment consists of minimum six clinical case scenarios including an ethical scenario. The duration of the oral assessment ranges between 45 – 60 minutes.
The oral assessment may also include:
Actual cases for consideration using radiographs
Slides interpretation
Models and/or copies of depersonalized patient records
Exam results:

Your exam result will be available on your application in DOH’s electronic system. In order to view your exam result, please login to your application through the below link: Your exam result will be appearing as either ‘PASS’ or ‘FAIL’. No further details will be provided.

This is all about oral exam details in DOH.

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KSNC -Karnataka State Nursing council -Good standing, Foreign verification, Renewal Process: Latest update 2023 November:

Comments (4)

  1. Kishore

    What’s the criteria for oral assesment and CBT

    I mean how do they categorise which candidate should give oral assesment or CBT

    • Nursing Manthra

      Already there is professional qualification criteria file created for all health authorities in UAE. Based on that criteria , all authority following exam category for health care professionals. You can check PQR file.

  2. Saeed

    Thabks for tjhe helpful post, are The answers are discussion types or your choose from multipe possible answers?

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