Nurse Practitioner/Mid level Practitioners

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A nurse practitioners can provide care to their patients without being directly overseen by a physician in many states in USA. They can also write prescriptions and order diagnostic tests when necessary. Nurse practitioners work in a variety of settings, including emergency rooms, hospitals, managed care facilities, surgical clinics, and private practice.

Job description of a nurse Practitioner:

  • Ordering lab tests or diagnostic procedures as necessary
  • Performing detailed examinations of the patient
  • Creating and implementing treatment plans
  • Coordinating with other medical professionals and specialists as necessary
  • Prescribing medications
  • Performing small medical procedures
  • Managing other nurses, such as CNAs, LPNs, and RNs
  • Recording a patient’s medical history
  • Updating medical records
  • Documenting symptoms
  • Collecting samples (blood, urine, mucus, stool, etc.)
  • Evaluation of patient outcome.

Criteris to become a nurse practitioner:

Bachelor degree in Nursing graduate with 2 year experience as Registered nurse. Then study Masters degree as Nurse practitioner for 2 years. Even PhD also available.

Types of Nurse Practitioners:

  1. family nurse practitioners-Primary health centres
  2. Neonatal nurse practitioners
  3. Acute care nurse practitioners
  4. Womens health nurse practitioners
  5. Psychiatric nurse practitioners
  6. ER nurse practitioners
  7. Travel nurse practitioners
  8. Gerontology nurse practitioners
  9. Pediatric nurse practitioners

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