Coru recognition: CORU Regulating health +social care professionals:
CORU is Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator
Email id–[email protected]

CORU currently regulates the following professions:
- Dietitians
- Dispensing Opticians
- Medical Scientists
- Occupational Therapists
- Optometrists
- Physical Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Podiatrists/Chiropodists
- Radiographers
- Radiation Therapists
- Social Workers
- Speech and Language Therapists
The professions soon to be regulated are:
- Clinical Biochemists
- Counsellors
- Orthoptists
- Psychologists
- Psychotherapists
- Social Care Workers
Note: Only graduates can apply for CORU Registrtaion. Not Diploma canddiates.
- Thsoe who study teh healthc are professional qualifictaion in English (medium of instruction in English) then no need for English Language proficiency test( IELTS, OET) etc.
- Steps involved in this process:
step 1-Qualification recognition steps-to check the qualification meets the standards of Ireland.
step 2- Apply for registration
Application Process:

-Read guidelines
-apply for recognition for international qualification section.
-step 1-guidelines, time frame and all just read it
-step 2- Read standardsof profciiency and placement criteria for yoru professional
-step 3 select-applicant seeking recognition as …-you can see speciality.If your speciality is listed then go to -CORU online recognition system
-sign up and login to account-CORU online recognition system
-Dash board -you can see Account details,application form,documentation, check list ,payemnt details adn application status
Document needed: All colour clear scanned copy:
- passport front and back page
*passport sizephoto - name chaneg certificate -if applicable
- Declaration
- Primary qualification for recognition -certificate of award(English)
- Primary qualification for recognition -course curriculum document (English)
- Primary qualification of recognition-official transcript(English)
*Qualifictaion(Downloaded from form)
*Evidence of eligibility to practice in country of qualification (In english)-Experience certificate - Registration certificate from registration body (In English)-licensing council registration certificate
- Experience certificate
English Language requirement:

Application steps:
-Fill professional details and personal information
-eligibility -proof of eligibility to practice in country of qualification
-primary qualification details fill details
-uplaod documents
-research project detaisl -enter details
-placements -during studies -clinicla training
-internship details -if you haev done
-Additionalpost graduation details if you have
-declaration form uplaod
-make payment 410 Euro
process will take 4-5 month to complete recognition process.
-you will get decision letter to your email once they approved yoru qualification
-Registration can proceed online within one month
-Registration payment around 100 Euro
- You will get registration number
Decision letter comments example:

For applying for job in IReland—search jobs through below link
HSE jobs link—-
complete application page you have to fill up and submit it rather than ending
Health service staff credit union
private jobs link-
Employer fill send you the application form -you have to fillitout send back. Once they shortlisted,there will be interview call through online platforms
Once they select tehywill sned you -critical care skill worker visa
With that you can reach to Ireland.
This is all about CORU registration. If any one interested to do the process and seeking assistance to do process, kindlycontact nursingmanthra whatsapp .
Hi,Good morning,please help me out i need to do CORU registration ,I am a diagnostic radiographer
M,sc Radiology technology radiography .
Hai , Kindly contact us through Nursingmanthra Whats app Number +971502515717