A Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming a Licensed Radiology Technician in Dubai

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Are you aspiring to become a radiology technician in Dubai? If so, you’re on the right path. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to obtain a Radiology Technician license in Dubai, outlining the three crucial steps in the process.

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility
Before embarking on your journey to become a licensed radiology technician, you must ascertain your eligibility. This is a fundamental first step. After signing up on the licensing authority’s website, you can check your eligibility and receive a unique identification number upon meeting the criteria.

Step 2: Data Flow Verification of Your Documents
The initial and essential step in the licensing process is the data flow verification of your documents. Data flow verification ensures the authenticity of your educational, licensing, and experiential documents. Here’s what you need:

  • Educational Documents: This includes your degree, diploma, or postgraduate certificates. If you possess multiple educational documents, additional charges may apply.
  • Mark List/Transcript: If you lack a mark list from your university, a transcript can be submitted. Ensure that the transcript is obtained from your college, signed, sealed, and contains comprehensive details of your subjects, marks, internship details, and more.
  • License: Submit a copy of your valid home country license. This should encompass both the initial and renewed copies. If your license has expired, it’s imperative to renew it before proceeding with verification. If you have worked in another country, the license from your last working country can also be submitted.
  • Experience Certificate: A minimum of two years of experience with no more than a two-year gap is required. Ideally, strive for two years of continuous experience with a single employer. It’s essential to acquire an experience certificate from the HR (Human Resources) office or the Medical Director if your institution lacks an HR department.

Data Flow Process:

  • Sign up for an account on the licensing authority’s website using your email and unique identification number.
  • Upload a signed letter of authorization.
  • Create a new case and select your profession.
  • Commence the application, providing details of your education, internship, license, and employment history.
  • Upload all required documents with meticulous precision.
  • Submit the application and make the payment (international debit or credit cards are accepted).

Step 3: CBT (Computer-Based Test) Assessment (EXAM)
To move forward in your quest for a Radiology Technician license, you must take the CBT exam. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit the Prometric website.
  • Generate eligibility for the exam.
  • Schedule the exam and make the necessary payment.
  • Your exam results will typically be available within 1 to 5 days.

Step 4: Submission for Eligibility Letter
Once you’ve successfully completed both the data flow verification and the CBT exam, you can apply for your eligibility letter. This step involves the submission of additional documents, including:

  • A good standing certificate from the para-medical council of your last working place.
  • Basic Life Support certification.
  • A photograph.
  • Passport.
  • Higher secondary certificate.
  • A resume.

Ensure that your data flow report is linked with the relevant authority. If it is, proceed with the submission and payment (approximately 230 AED). You can expect to receive your eligibility letter within 2 to 5 days.

With your eligibility letter in hand, you’re now ready to explore job opportunities as a licensed Radiology Technician in Dubai. Once you secure a job and receive an offer letter, your employer will initiate the final licensing process. We wish you the best of luck on your journey toward a successful career as a Radiology Technician in Dubai.

Thank you for choosing Nursing Manthra as your guide to obtaining a Radiology Technician license in Dubai. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

License Transfer: DHA to MOH for Healthcare Professionals in the UAE

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